
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Can Achievment Be Achieved?


The answer to the question above is yes.

Declare war on what you want to overcome and/or accomplish, make a plan, get with someone that has done or overcome what you want to conquer, and DO IT!!

Easier said than done, isn't it? People that have ideas about things sometimes are not the best people to listen to when one wants to know how to do something. Does that make sense? Let me explain. I know a lot of people with ideas, myself included, but the REAL do'ers in the world are the ones that don't sit around and TALK about life and philosophies and ponderings. The REAL do'ers are the ones that do it. How hard is that to understand? The problem is that the do'ers are so busy doing that they don't have time to talk about it. It is a vicious circle. How does someone know what to do if the do'ers won't help us understand.

My mom was a do'er. Henceforth, I had to learn by watching her. It is hard to watch a do'er do stuff. They're so busy all the time it wears a thinker out!! Am I a thinker? I think that I am more of a thinker than a do'er most of the time. What good does thinking do if you don't do something with it?

On and on and on this goes....viciously circular in motion.....


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