
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jack Dawson, the Snapping Turtle

The snapping turtle was the size of an average car's steering wheel. He was sitting on the side of the road as I took my morning walk. DANG...I forgot my camera. Have to commit this to memory, which I HATE to do because I think my memory storage is full and only allows a certain number of pics and info to hold before it has to delete old stuff. I don't want to delete the old stuff. What's the point of having a memory if you have to get rid of the old stuff to put new stuff in it. Isn't that what the memory is for?? (I am starting to become the QUEEN of ending sentences with prepositions..I gotta get a handle on this.)

Anyway, I don't think I have seen a snapping turtle this close. I thought it was a mutant turtle; a cross between a turtle and an alligator or something. It had ridges on his/her back and NO NECK. There was NO neck on this turtle. He/she only had a big old head sticking out of it's shell. His head was as big as my leg!! He had his mouth open the entire time I was looking at him. He NEVER moved either. Probably an intimidation tactic for snapping turtles. I am weak. I wanted to pick him up but there is NO way that I could have lifted him without getting my hand snapped off by his enormous mouth. His mouth was bigger than my leg!! I wanted to get a stick and put it in front of his mouth and see if he would snap it in two. The only thing that kept me from doing all of this is that I was afraid that I would get up to him and fall down and then I wouldn't have time to get back up before he walked up to me and attacked me. I think he might have been an attack snapping turtle. He could have been. He was creepy looking. He would have made a huge pot of turtle soup...GROSS!

I look for him now every time I go walking. He walked away and I will probably never see him again. This is just like Rose and Jack from the movie Titanic. "He exists now, only in my memory."....Rose about Jack and Theresa about Turtle

My turtle's name will be:
Jack Dawson


Friday, May 29, 2015

A Mexican on a 4 Wheeler Drinking a Beer

A Mexican on a 4-Wheeler drinking a beer came up to me the other day…..
No. Really. HE DID!
I was out walking on our country road (it is paved) and there was NO ONE around. I heard something coming up behind me that sounded like a riding lawn mower about 10 miles away. Out in the country, when a person hears a car coming, it takes a LONG time for the car to actually get there. I looked behind me and saw from a distance what I thought was a guy riding a white riding lawn mower. He was going really slow. I turned around and kept walking. The sound grew louder and louder until finally it was right on me. I stopped and looked around, and a Mexican on a 4-wheeler drinking a beer had stopped right behind me. He wanted to talk.
Do I talk to this stranger? Who is he? He kinda looked like Cheech from Cheech and Chong. I thought, “what the heck!”. If Cheech drove up behind me, I would talk to him. That is not very good logic. I couldn’t outrun him. He was on an extremely slow 4 wheeler but I am an even more extremely slow runner. I would be running slow and he would catch up with me on his slow 4 wheeler. It would be pitiful!!
That man spoke English…a lot of English. He was a tipsy talking English speaking Mexican and I had to get home and poop. I usually walk 2 miles a night, but I had cut it short because I had to get home and poop. It was bad. My luck that this happens.
I love intros to stories. The rest I would have to make up because after that, it wasn't too exciting.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Two-fer.....2 for 1 Today


People make the most interesting stories. When the day begins, I can't wait to see and hear people. If I go through a day without meeting someone with color and grit, I kinda feel a little let down.

My goal every day is to meet a person on their level. To stand on a ladder to meet them or crawl on the floor to get to them. People have heart and needs and emotions and feelings and laughter and tears.

I think with "A 100 Words A Day" I will write one story about the people I meet and THEIR story, not mine!

The other cool thing is that Jesus loves these same people too. More than I could EVER think about loving them.


Johnny Cash aka Johnny ONE Note

Cousin Twila called me yesterday at work and for some reason that I absolutely DON’T know, we got on the subject of Johnny Cash.
I don’t care much for his music. I made that comment one time to my husband and now he says that I HATE Johnny Cash. I don’t hate him.
I could never figure out what all the hype about him was all about. My cousin said that my Aunt Fran used to call him “Johnny One Note”. We laughed about that one. As soon as she said it, I started laughing because I knew exactly what she was talking about. Sorry Johnny Cash fans. I apologize in advance for laughing. It’s funny though!
Last week, I talked to Clint who was playing the bass for a Johnny Cash impersonator at a local show. I made the comment about Johnny’s music and how I didn’t really care for it. He didn’t either. It was a paying gig so he took it. I didn’t realize that so many people have these opinions of Johnny.
All of my Johnny Cash conversations seem to take place at my work desk. People call me, I talk about Johnny Cash. Weird. How does this happen? When Cousin Twila finished talking to me and I hung up the phone, I jokingly made a comment to the lady that works behind me about Johnny being called “Johnny One Note”. She said “Now, he’s not that bad. You know that I am related to him? My maiden name was Cash. Grandma wouldn’t claim him because she thought that he had went to prison”.
I LOST IT! I started laughing so hard that tears were rolling down my face. I have been talking about Johnny Cash at work for all of these months and had NO IDEA the lady behind me was his cousin.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Is There a Woman Out There That Needs a Drunk for a Boyfriend?

Vernon asked me yesterday if I knew of any women out there that wanted a “drunk” for a boyfriend.
It was 9:30a.m. and he smelled a little like he could have been hitting the Rufus Juice early (special note: Rufus Juice was what my dad called alcohol because their was a local gentleman in the area that my dad worked that made moonshine and his name was Rufus).
He told me that he spent the night in jail because he threw a mop at his “fat” woman.
I didn’t know what to say, which is strange for me because I always know what to say.
SO, I said:
“Vernon, why did you throw a mop at her?”
He said, “She wouldn’t shut up!”
Sounds logical to me.
He should have thrown a pillow.
He said that she is still at the house and she is probably cutting up all of his pants and shirts.
Who does that?
I guess a fat girl that just had a mop thrown at her.
Life is simple.
The answers are ALWAYS right in front of us if we’d just look!
Anybody out there need a drunk for a boyfriend?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I Like Tubas

As I am typing this, I am listening to Tuba Skinny on YouTube playing a song called "Sweet Potato Blues". I like sweet potatoes too.

This group has a tuba in it playing on beat 1 and 3. LOVE IT! It would totally change the song if the tuba played on beat 2 and 4. I think people would be thrown off a bit. Changing timing on anything throws people off. To throw people off on timing, one has to be VERY GOOD at setting the pace and then POW.........throw something off by changing the place that you put down the beat, still keeping time of course. That is HARD to do. I love playing music with people that have GOOD timing. I must profess, I am a Timing Junkie and I will try to throw 'em off by switching rhythm but keeping the same tempo. It's like playing tag or something.

Does any of this make sense?

Anyway, I like Tubas.
(this really didn't have anything to do with tubas, did it?)


Monday, May 25, 2015

Spell Check is ON now....

Spell check is on now.

I had to make that announcement. I hate that I have given up typing without spell check. Am I a bit of a control freak for feeling this way. Is it wise to forgo something that helps us? Does spell check help us or hurt us? I work with people that don't know how to spell the simplest words. They do know how to shop online though and buy t-shirts. Which is more valuable: shopping or spelling? Is it fair to compare shopping and spelling? Are they in the same category?

I think spell check gives the illusion that an author is smart and knows how to spell words....all kinds of words....words longer than 5 letters....words that no one has ever heard of except spell check. Sometimes, spell check doesn't even know certain words and THEN a person has to go to Google or Wikipedia. (note: I spelled "Wikipedia" wrong and spell check caught it...)

I am not as smart as I appear. We should all have warner signs on us like the side view mirrors on cars that say "objects may appear closer than they are". We should have signs on us that say "person may seem smarter than they appear".


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Don't Take Advantage of the Elderly..You JERK!!

This past week, I got to speak to a 95 year old woman that was getting scammed by a telephone JERK that got her to mail him a $5,000.00 check. She put a stop payment on it (thank goodness) and prevented this money from being taken out of her account. She said that he was NOT from America and had a very heavy accent but she was not sure where he was from. She said it was hard for her to understand him.

This 95 year old woman was SHARP! I loved talking to her. In 46 years, I will be 95 years old. I don't feel that I am as sharp as this lady is now in her life. It is gonna get bad for me by the time I hit 95. She even had her sense of humor. When she told me that the man had a heavy accent, I asked her if he was from Oklahoma! She laughed. (she had told me that she taught school in Oklahoma but had to move back to the motherland, Texas, when she retired.

GOOD for HER on stopping that deadbeat loser from wherever he was from.......JERK! People that take advantage of the elderly will REAP WHAT THEY SOW!! There is a place in my heart for the elderly and I hope that there is a very special place for people that take advantage of them!!!


Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Thought Lost

I thought of something really cool to write about yesterday. Now, I can't remember what it was. It was something passionate and amazing and thought provoking and wonderful.

I HATE when I do that.

What I have discovered in my almost 50 years of living is opportunities fly by us every moment we breath. We can grab them up and eat them for lunch or we can let them go by. It is up to us on how we handle moments. I should have jotted that thought down because I KNOW that I won't remember it later.

Silly human!

Friday, May 22, 2015

You Can Do Anything but not Everything

I found a tan wooden block of wood sign with red letters in old typewriter font (my favorite) for $2.00 at Ross one day. The treasures we find at stinky stores (the Ross that I went to my husband so affectionately says smells like arm pits and cigarettes) excite me at times.

I can do ANYTHING but not EVERYTHING. Is that true? Can I do anything? I know that I can't do everything.....I surely know that I don't WANT to do everything....laziness prevailing. I'm not sure that I could fly the space shuttle or fight Mike Tyson. Anything covers a lot of things. Parents tell children that they can be anything if they try. Is that true? I know that I could not be an Olympic runner. I know that I couldn't. I was not designed in my body structure to even begin to compete no matter how hard I wanted to try. And yet, the will of a man (woman) is surely nothing to be reckoned with. (How do you write without ending sentences in prepositions?)

The bible says that a person can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength. I am such a realist. It is hard for me to comprehend that statement. If I could grasp that concept, I believe that I surely could do all things.

The spirit of a man is something else.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Suicide Note, People's Last Words

My husband brought home a copy of a suicide note that a man had written before he hung himself. My husband investigates stuff like that. I can't imagine doing that for a living.

The note:

I'm sorry for what I did. Please let xxxx know. Her phone number is xxxxx. I'm sure she won't care. But I don't want her to think this is her fault.

I hate my life and hate being so alone. I want to be with xxxx. I love you and please let mom know I love her and I felt this was my only way not to hurt anymore. I'm so alone without xxxx a big part of me died the day she passed. I knew that day was coming. I just didn't know when. Give my tattoo stuff to my mom. I want to be cremated with the picture of xxxxx. Please give my wallet and stuff in it to my mom too please. I feel at peace while I'm writing this. I will be at Heaveans Gates waiting for everyone.

Love Always,

God will forgive me---over....

(He then lists names of people and phone numbers to call.)

He then writes:
And please post something about me on my Facebook through my page to let everyone know when my service will be.
I'm sorry for this I just want to be with my daughter. It is NO ONE'S fault.
I love you all. Home is where the heart is.

He then has writing in bold print on the sides of the paper that read:


And after he wrote this, he hung himself.

People's last words. You just never know what they will be, do you?
I don't know what to write about this note or this person that wrote it. He meant what he said. He felt what he said. Perception is one's reality even if that reality isn't real and it can cause people to kill themselves when it is strong enough. It can cause people to kill others when it is strong enough. I think that a lot of times, truth is hidden from people and covered up in lies to the point of ruination. OH PEOPLE, seek truth!! Truth is so important in life. Finding truth, accepting truth, and dealing with truth is probably one of the hardest things to do in life. Isn't it interesting that Jesus said that He was the way, the truth, and the life.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Can Achievment Be Achieved?


The answer to the question above is yes.

Declare war on what you want to overcome and/or accomplish, make a plan, get with someone that has done or overcome what you want to conquer, and DO IT!!

Easier said than done, isn't it? People that have ideas about things sometimes are not the best people to listen to when one wants to know how to do something. Does that make sense? Let me explain. I know a lot of people with ideas, myself included, but the REAL do'ers in the world are the ones that don't sit around and TALK about life and philosophies and ponderings. The REAL do'ers are the ones that do it. How hard is that to understand? The problem is that the do'ers are so busy doing that they don't have time to talk about it. It is a vicious circle. How does someone know what to do if the do'ers won't help us understand.

My mom was a do'er. Henceforth, I had to learn by watching her. It is hard to watch a do'er do stuff. They're so busy all the time it wears a thinker out!! Am I a thinker? I think that I am more of a thinker than a do'er most of the time. What good does thinking do if you don't do something with it?

On and on and on this goes....viciously circular in motion.....


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Scary and Scarry

I had to look up how to spell scary and scarry today. I couldn't remember which one was which. Is scary the one that you feel when you watch the Exorcist and Linda Blair is spinning her head around and puking everywhere and talking in that creepy voice? Is scarry even a word? It is. You don't hear people say the word "scarry" very much, but it is a word. If a person is scarry, it means that they have been through a lot of stuff. A scarry person can look pretty rough, but the things that they have been through to cause those scars can almost be considered survival patches from the battles and fights that life puts them (us) through. Battle scarred people can be the toughest people you know, or the weakest and saddest people you know. Life can do that to a person. Invisible things (circumstances, emotions, feelings, opinions, thoughts) have to be fought with invisble faith. You can't fight things you can't see with things you hold in your hands. You have to fight 'em with invisible Faith and Hope.....for me, in God.

Monday, May 18, 2015

An Uncommon Life

I purchased two new daily devotionals last week; one to read in the morning and one for night. The one in the morning was written by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker called Uncommon Life. It says that it is a New York Times best seller. So far, it is very challenging. I love daily anythings. What exactly IS an Uncommon Life? I believe in God. I believe His son, Jesus, died for our sins so that we could have a way to God our Father. I believe that the Holy Spirit of God empowers us and works to guide us in this life after we accept Christ as our Savior. This is starting to become an uncommon belief and I LIKE IT. I don't want to be like everyone else. Believing these things leads to a whole different type of living. I could eat it for supper ya'll. It's good, it's challenging, it hurts, it gives complete peace at times and it can also rip ya up and convict ya to near craziness. I LOVE IT. I love the Uncommon Life. I want MORE until I die.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Subliminal Messages are In My Head

Spell check is still turned off. I am not sure if I can survive without it on. Are the words I'm typing correct? I feel like a tight rope walker without a net here. Oh my oh I want to turn the spell check on. Enough of that statement.


But, how can a person write without spell check telling you every word that you type is rong? (I did that on purpose to make sure it was still is.) Is it right or wrong to depend on things that quite possibly could be weaking our minds?

Rooms to Go

Another thing that bothers me now on the world wide web is that I am finding more and more sideline subliminal messages on most if not all of the places I visit. I don't like that. I really don't. The other day, I was wanting to purchase a new red couch and some purple shoes and a dress with sunflowers all over them, the type of dress that you can't wear a bra with which is totally NOT what I would buy because I have big boobs and I ALWAYS wear a bra when I step out of the house unless a tornado came in the middle of the night and THEN I would grap my bra as I ran out of the house and put it on when I got to safety. Leave the gun, take the bra....(The Godfather ya'll).

Spray that makes your poop smell good

I don't understand how messages make us so scatter brained. Do you think that the sub-messages are causing people to take anti-anxiety meds? I think I have discovered the secret to sanity.....stay away from subliminal message.

Plus Size Blouses in Dallas
